When Your Mom and Dad Have Money

When Your Mom and Dad Have Money

Your parents should be treated like people not numbers. Cookie Cutter solutions are abundant. If your parents are dealing with a retail brokerage like a bank or major investment company, they probably don’t realize that their “Financial Advisor” is either marching in...
Year-End Notifications

Year-End Notifications

Market Performance Optimism We remain optimistic about market performance and do not find justification for bearish sentiment that appeared under the fear-inciting Omicron news cycle. Portfolio Rebalances Master portfolio holdings have already been adjusted to meet...
4Q 2021 Market Update

4Q 2021 Market Update

Markets reached a high at 3rd week of September, then we saw a inflation anxiety drawdown lasting about 1 month that flattened S&P quarterly return to a mere 0.58% while those clients fully participating in the CFS Master Portfolio exceeded 3% return for the third...